Nos publications scientifiques sur la validation de l'ACT pour le traitement de l'insomnie :
- Chapoutot, Peter-Derex, Bastuji, Leslie, Schoendorff, Heinzer, Siclari, Nicolas, Lemoine, Higgins, Bourgeois, Vallet, Anders, Ounnoughene, Spencer, Meloni, & Putois (soumission 2023). A narrative review of strategies for discontinuing long-term benzodiazepine use and methodological recommendations: can we say that withdrawal is effective if less than 1 in 2 patients become abstinent? x, x, x.
Spencer, J.: Gustin, M. P.; Anders, R.; Chapoutot M. ; Leslie, W. ; Schoendorff, B. ; Francis, A. W. ; Dawson, D. L. ; Putois, B. (soumission 2023) French adaptation and psychometric validation of the Comprehensive Assessment of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy . x, x, x.
Les autres publications scientifiques sur la validation de l'ACT pour le traitement de l'insomnie :